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Omega Communications

Inner journey experiences to the Station of Light for your expansion of consciousness and uplifting energy.

almost thirteen years ago

Its awesome that many of us share the same/similar visions and experiences. Myrtle, so glad you recognise different aspects of your 'lives', and the honouring and use of energy is inbuilt within us.

Lately I am experiencing being on track and clear energy.

Thank you all so much for the comments.

almost thirteen years ago

Hello Lani and All
tonight in meditation I asked to remember ...the ancient past when we first came to earth. I saw myself like a painting on a cave in Eygpt- I was a white silhouette of an eygptian woman and in each hand was a white dove, I understood I worked for peace. Next I saw an image of myself as a rebel young woman dancing violently around a fire at night- and I understood I had got caught into dark matters... Something like black magic- negative shamanism- Not deeply caught up- but enough to permeate my whole being and I understood that aspects of that darkness- like fine black ash from the fire- have been with me ever since and have caused mild depression, fear, grey thinking and limitation iny earth lives.
The last transmission rang so true - especially the metaphor for the new faster car and learning controls. I have felt my thinking really speeding up- and so supported and strong and powerful in a good way- I feel I am really 'lining up' with what I came to do- though I can't see ahead too far- I just trust.
Love to all... Myrtle

almost thirteen years ago

Thankyou Lani. I "returned" from this communication with a clear sense of being a "star map" and indeed a complete universe. My entire being is filled with heiroglyphs, symbols, patterns etc. Love and appreciation to all.

almost thirteen years ago

Hi Lani -- So many synchronicities (and therefore confirmations)! and such great news too. Yes, I've felt the new energy also.

Thank you.

almost thirteen years ago

hello All- Well it has been a challenging few months for me but things lifted a lot with this transmission. As soon as Lani suggested some of us might go and do our own thing so to speak- I was entering a white room( way out in the galaxies I think- further out than the cities of light- and the room is full of light and there were around 8 or so beings - in energy form only-gold and lime greenish tall energy beings standing around a table - I was in similar energy form- I think there were some magenta streaks in my energy field and they had a map on the table and were working with me planning something- was like a board meeting type thing. Anyway there was a lovely hopeful clear energy that I picked up as soon as I walked into the room. Most if not all of them were male energies though I was female. Love to you all and would love to read of others experiences.

almost thirteen years ago

Issue 616 is very much a "feeling" experience :)

Issue 615 left me with the sense of an Angelic presence with me now, and I feel much more 'open' to the energy.

Orem refers to our interpretation of the messages, and that we can relate the meaning to what we have in our thoughts, so the same sentence will mean something different to every person. Creating our own reality? or is Reality creating us????