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Omega Communications

Inner journey experiences to the Station of Light for your expansion of consciousness and uplifting energy.

Aug 31, 2017

Info about interference to the elemental energy on Earth ... assistance in that regard ...experience state of suspension during changes ....

Aug 24, 2017

using water to clear and cleanse what we call viruses... notice the shift that has occurred - make it real around you, notice people moving away ....

Aug 17, 2017

.. ways to deal with what is happening around you .... Councils establishing more communication with you .. resonating with portals to city of light ....

Aug 10, 2017

Have you experienced moving through the dimensional intersections into the city of light?  Explanation of why so much clearance is given. You helping the energy field.... and more ...

Aug 3, 2017

Council of Light, Beings reclaiming lost knowledge, Su Yan Rah assessment and communication..... more .....