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Omega Communications

Inner journey experiences to the Station of Light for your expansion of consciousness and uplifting energy.

fourteen and a half years ago

Hi Myrtle - so, another big shift for you! Fantastic.

I have gone through some days of searching within, questioning others\\\' info and the info/energy which I bring thru and as I came to the conclusion that I am satisfied with the integrity of the energy and information which I bring through. The big picture is too immense for me to grasp and always the Omega messages draw us to continue expand. #533 helps and also I asked the Star Elders for explanation - the mp3 file is uploaded.

As always I link in support and upliftment

fourteen and a half years ago

Lani, I\'m so glad you posted the Star Elder\'s explanation. Myrtle, I too have been wondering where the crystaline Cities of Light fit in. The Star Elder\'s/Orem are correct, we ... at least ... I ... AM asking for more information, clarification and disclosure as I gain an expanded perspective on what\'s transpiring with the Planet.

\"It is in these levels now that you are feeling that you need more information and more energy to keep you focused above what you witness around you on the planet.\" - Issue 533

Thank you Lani for your integrity in bringing through the messages for us.

Much Love and Appreciation,

fourteen and a half years ago

Yes Audrey - very good to read your questions
they have helped me. Also wanted to say to
Doris that at about the time you wrote about
where you had got to I had been reflecting
on the fact that they best most effective way
is just to be love- acceptance, non judgement
and compassion. Don\'t have to give advice, take
solve anyine\'s problem, Just BE.
take stand, just BE. It is so easy

fourteen and a half years ago

Session 532. wOw. This was one of those sessions that seemed to be \\\"spoken\\\" just for me and directly related to an experience I had just the day before its delivery. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

All love for each and each love for all!

fourteen and a half years ago

thanks for these comments Nancy and Mal. I asked during the day that we be given detail of where they are from, especially regarding Audrey\'s question. The beings, Orem and before that Onaan always say they represent the Consciousness. Personally I feel we/I am being attuned to another energy system and in this regard Andromeda is still with me. I am more familiar with living spaces where temperature is maintained at a comfortable range, rain seems unnatural and a level of light/radiance is actively working with my/our energy systems. Walls of rooms change colour as a living organism, telepathic communication is strong in everyone. I eat now but have the need to nourish myself with more of the light-energy elements. I know you all are aware of this too.

Love to you all and I especially appreciate the participation here. - Lani :)

fourteen and a half years ago

So interesting to read everyone\'s writings. I have watched about 3 hours of Ashayana Deane - and also been to Montananight sky and it is all fascinating. Thanks for the referrals. For a couple of years I have kept getting the same message in a pack of \'intention cards\' I have to \'grasp the essence of infinity\'.

Well what lot to grasp. Ashayana does seem plausible to me - but I do find all this information really difficult to grasp - I am the ant on the shoe that has now realised there is ground under the shoe - but as for the rest of the world the shoe inhabits - I dont have a clue. Yes I had got to open to seeing and even communicating with another dimension and working with energy - but this new information is just so huge and complex and so many wrong paths for us to unwittingly follow (according to Ashayana anyway). I feel disappointed to hear that we are stuck in this system of fighting and hating that has gone on for eternity - not just among people on the planet but so many races down this part of the galaxy. Where do the crystline cities of light fit in - guess they are trying to help us get out of this negative dying system????

For a positive story - after a few weeks of carrying around a very heavy and depressed emotional, mental and physical body - bought on by a life crisis in my loved one\'s health - and meditating but feeling no connection and feeling very phased by everything - last Saturday about 20 seconds as I was walking between rooms in my home - and just after I had made a choice not to go with a friend when I didnt really want to - i.e. I chose my needs first (not something I am good at) I literally felt my physical body lift up and release - felt the change around the heart and chest area up to throat and head. Within about 3 seconds after that I realised I had been released from the sorrow and depression -and was now on another plane. It has been an amazing shift - nothing has changed apart from the fact for the last 6 days I feel I have been inhabiting a field of joy, light and high vibration where I feel secure and loved - and well able to cope with whatever the near future holds for us.

Take care everyone.

fourteen and a half years ago

Thank you Lani and PearleySky...

Looking forward to the next transmission - as always

Much Love

fourteen and a half years ago

Audrey & all who have watched the A\'shayana Deane 3 interviews on - the Crystalline cities are part of what she refers to, but she mentions them only being within the Earth.
Also in part 3 the reference to a type of shield protecting earth from the huge solar flares has been referred to in some personal messages to people over the last couple of years. Orem + referred to over recent years the \"master cell\", this A\'shayana refers to, and it is important to keep the energy of that alive and strong. I found the reference to the Wingmakers material interesting - some of you will be aware of that material. Fascinating. Interesting. Take in the energy we bring to you, increasing your link to the Source Matrix, keep evolving! We stand together in assisting Earth, and our part of this system. With love and blessings to you all

fourteen and a half years ago

Now that disclosure has begun, can and will Orem+ provide us with more information about who they are, where they come from ... in plain language? This from a human trying to discern energy signatures ... I trust they will understand. Lani, thank you for your comments and the work you do. I believe it was the Beings (thank you!) and messages and energy you\'re bring through that brought me to my date with destiny with the conscious knowing of the Kryst. I strongly resonate to A\'shayana\'s message. Bless you, Audrey

fourteen and a half years ago

Wow! this last transmission really takes it to the next level - indeed! How empowering to go beyond the need to label the \'sign posts\' and experience the next step of the journey sans definition. It does require a lot of trust and the weekly messages have gone a long way to assist me with this trusting.
Thank you Lani for your continued allowance of the weekly communications.
We are all in this together so much love to all.

fourteen and a half years ago

Thanks Lani for the confirmation about Andromeda. I have known this for a few years. I stayed at the “Andromeda” on Santorini 4 years ago and the name kept talking to me. I looked up Andromeda and the photo images nearly brought tears to my eyes and I felt very homesick, wanting to go home for a while. I don’t know if any of you have read the book The Star Borne by Solaris. While reading the name Andora was given to me which is my energy signature name and a reference to a star lineage. I always linked the An to Andromeda.
Of course now I know that I can never go back home since home and all universes have changed forever due to all the energetic work that has been done by many. Home has expanded into something completely new. Now I am bringing” home” here, to earth by embodying all aspects of me across all dimensions including my I am presence and including that part of me that expresses as Star Elders. The Star Elders are us, on a different level. We are the ones we have been waiting for. I don’t resonate with being in service in the old dualistic way anymore. In my understanding it comes from distortions of the mind, from separating myself from others and their creations. I have come to the understanding that by moving out of duality into oneness and maintaining a heart based frequency without any judgment of others and their choices, without trying to change anything I am of the greatest service to the whole. Great change happens naturally with acceptance. There is nothing to do anymore since all is well in all of creation, always! Now it is time to enjoy life and my creations and to look at the world with different eyes.
Much Love to Everybody

fourteen and a half years ago

Doris, thanks for much for this. What you are doing is powerful! I have had a picture of the Andromeda galaxy where I see it every day. They wanted me to realise the connection. I had it on the early version of my website. In the early 1980\'s I had a metaphysical contact with a being from A. who put 3 pyramid shaped crystals onto my palm. Communication crystals. I don\'t remember, yet, any more details.

fourteen and a half years ago

Doris ~ thank you for sharing your insights, I have had the same thoughts myself. Seems like I spend most of my time these days either integrating aspects or releasing the mother earth energies that show themselves. I\'m getting ready to make a move (hopefully back to Alaska) feeling this pull to be where I enjoy BEing once again.

fourteen and a half years ago

Yes, Doris, in real-ising the Star Elder part of yourself, you have already changed this part of Earth to the essence of that plane of existence. Wonderful!

\"In the space-time continuum you are moving into, the Real-ism is the evolvement and there is nothing left to be removed from the dense form. Thus you stand with us drawing others into this consciousness. Continue processing the energy information, each one, to be conscious.\"
Thank you.
I am impressed to add in referring to any material/information, we, each unit [person], must still feel for the sense of rightness which will link you into the source Matrix.

fourteen and a half years ago

Hi Lani, can you tell me how the Orem material aligns (or doesn\'t) with A\'shayana Deane\'s overview of the Planet\'s present circumstances and ascension path as she outlines in her May 2010 Project Camelot website interview? Are the Cities of Light spoken of in your transmissions associated with and located in/on Higher Earth? Thanks as always.

posted by: Audrey on Thu, 6/3 02:32 PM EDT

fourteen and a half years ago

Audrey, I am grateful for your question. I have watched the first 2 1/2 hr interview with her. The Star Elders asked me the morning of june 2nd, \"do you know who we are?\". The work Orem and S.E. are doing is aligned with what she calls Eternal Matrix - these ones stay to help, to fulfil Source\'s intention, to help and support.
I am fascinated that they say we are from the Andromeda M31 galaxy and the S.E. and Orem & co. have been worked for a few years to help align/restore our DNA to the original blueprint, now overlaied by the Matrix. This A\'shayana also refers to. I am fascinated also that in the last 1/2 hr of the first interview she says the parallel distorted/shattered earth universe is the Alpha and the system we are in, attempting to be restored etc. is the Omega system. In issues 528 and 529 there is reference to shifting from one system to another,i.e. from milky way galaxy to where we really belong, and this I agree is the M31. I am fully satisfied that the energy we are assisted with through the Omega transmissions is accurate and working with Creative Essence / Source.
Over the years of my bringing us into the energy/bringing through the messages I used to feel unworthy because the info did not seem to be technical - all this year I have shifted from that viewpoint, trusting fully the process and content and the fact that we receive the information individually by exposure to the energy.
Thanks so much everyone by listening/reading and your commitment to service.
With love, Lani