What a wonderful experience this is Robin - and it was you who did the work :) You opened and accepted it. It will be interesting to feel the packet unfold and present itself to you.
We all are absorbing a great deal of energy information and it takes energy to integrate it [well, thats my personal experience :) ]
This morning my experience of the place taken to was the energy system of the entire planet and its collective consciousness experiences, which I also relate to my personal energy field - its all connected.
So, everyone - I am with you in Light Energy Information.
After several days of feeling lost and disconnected, and seemingly unable to absorb the energy transmission, I am today "back on board" so to speak. Thankyou Lani for your guidance in this. For the first time, I saw and felt myself inside a space vessel, lying down and being attended to by four beings. I was being given a new body of blue light - still humanoid, but taller, athletic and semi-transparent. Every surface of this body was hand-moulded into a perfect form by the beings. The packet of information was directly placed over and absorbed by my third eye.
I, too, was taken to central Australia, ESE of Uluru, sensing and knowing the presence of the elders, and the pulsing of the inner earth. (I love it that I am there permanently!)
Thankyou everyone, thankyou Lani.
One place I was taken to in message 597 was to stand in the Australian outback, EastNorthEast of Uluru, in the ancient times. The next time was right where I live now, but with the knowing the energy was extending throughout New Zealand and again through the energy to before the land was inhabited. I have a strong sense of "evolving".
Greetings - There has been a shift on all levels this month as the experience of connecting becomes expanded to the point that I am 'there' and 'here' same moment. The significance of the affect we are having has expanded greatly past two weeks and I thank you all!
Last week in meditation every timeI saw a funnel like energy connection going out from my head - thin and fine- and up to the point of origin. This transmission confirms that Image for me with it's comments about the point of origin.
Also when I was tired one day but had to keep going I saw that a tiny gold metalic fleck of substance had gone into every cell of my body and a callibration wand was setting up a steady pulsation of energy that was getting my whole body vibrating in sync and in an energized pattern. I also knew that I was still tired and I would need to take time out soon to rest- this was a short term temoprary measure/ gift but I could not push my body too fat beyond it's tiredness level or would run into problems with physical health.
I think this short term charge when we are struggling to do what we have to do but are tired is available for everyone. You just have to link in with the centre and call in the callibration energy. Lots of love to you all.
Hi All- Two weeks ago had the experience of feeling my body fill
with golden intense light( like electric light) - an oval shape that almost came to edges of my physical body.
Also lots of images of my voice developing energy pulses that, when I am speaking to others, actually go out from me and act as little bursts of fresh alive energy lighting up various parts of their brains.
I too do work related to talking and communication to others -bringing forth new thinking etc. Have felt very supported in doing this work recently.
Love to All - as we unfold. Thank you Lani.
Last week (594) and this week, I have felt my light body become more and more present in my physical state. I feel younger, stronger, taller, lighter and full of vibrant energy.
Listening to issue 595, I feel I am standing IN the centre of Orem's energy, and that it is I who am speaking outward to all of humanity. I can feel the vibration of the sound being generated through me.
I do know that I have the ability to speak to large crowds, so this week's transmission is an exceptional shift for me.
Blessings to all,
Issue 594 seems to focus on what we would term viruses or other common disorders and the way to clear these, and very strengthening.
Also, has anybody else been experiencing skin problems?