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Omega Communications

Inner journey experiences to the Station of Light for your expansion of consciousness and uplifting energy.

over sixteen years ago

pavlos - for you to have experienced the beautiful energy of these messages means you too have drawn it forward into existence. Thank you for your Hug of Love! It is my blessing to bring these Light Beings into our lives.

over sixteen years ago

Thank you Lani, as always for binging the words and energy through.
Over 3 years ago I came across the Omega transmission and the energy resonated strongly. I have not missed one transmission since then and I’m looking forward every week to a new one.

These journeys into other dimensions are becoming more real and visual especially since the first transmission after the Christmas break. I remember more – like a huge Omega sign I saw in January, being given” pieces of paper”?? by an etheric light being and walking through portals with people behind me. In this one I was together with you, Lani. We were in a beautiful light filled place around tress and flowers discussing and planning. The feeling was of happiness and excitement. Do you remember?

Love Doris

over sixteen years ago

Yes! I am with you Doris - not that I was aware of \'you\' particularly, but the sense of companions. The messages are stronger to me too, and a lot of being told \'the portals are open\' during this year. I have stepped up further in my acceptance, especially in regard to the C[h]ristalline cities.
With you in Love and Light, Lani

over sixteen years ago

How do you do this wonderfull intertwinning of guidance and companionship?! Rhetorical question, but just wanted to share it... a Hug of Love pavlos (excuse mistakes as english is my second language)