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Omega Communications

Inner journey experiences to the Station of Light for your expansion of consciousness and uplifting energy.

Discussion November / December 2009

Dec 31, 2009

Discussion Nov 2009

over fifteen years ago

All this is very interesting, sounds similar to some of my dreams. I can really relate to some of the \\\"physical happenings\\\" as well. I was particularly struck by the line in the reading for 12/17/09 about alignment and the \\\"word symbol.\\\" I had tried sending out 2 specific visuals (and a word symbol was one of them)on 12/16/09 and I believe it popped up at your site! Enjoy your holiday Lani and thanks for all your channelling!

over fifteen years ago

Schmal - I wonder where the impulse came for you to send out the particular symbols :) We are connected :) With love and blessings.

over fifteen years ago

Thank you for all that you do for us Lani and I hope you enjoy your holiday time. This rewiring seems a bit stiff this time around as i keep breathing & releasing, connecting to my point of origin...and i know it is there, responding back. Sky

over fifteen years ago

Two big connections with crystal consciousness to report. First when in meditation recently the image of me standing under a portal changed a little and I was under a rainbow shaped arc of vivid white frosted looking crystal - it was so intense and pretty - my own particular vibration being coded into me-it\'s energy was infinite strength and infinite joy. I was aware it was an energy I had known as a very young human child and it was coding it in again.
Then I was sitting with a friend who was very tired and drained and these crystals from a cave in the eastern Himalayas binged into my consciousness and told me to pass onto her that she could draw on their energy. That she and I knew the cave and it\'s energy as it had been near a village we lived in in another life and we would go there and play sometimes as children. They loved us. The cave had been closed off for a long time - unavailable to humans but this would change soon as it was their time to (the crystals )to play their part in helping the evolution. If we visualized them in this cave they would transmit their energy. Wow it is such a pure strong vibration -like an electrical charge multiplied a thousand fold with love as the vibration. The crystals in the cave are translucent - a bit like 3d mirrors.
My friend told me she has been craving to go to Nepal nearly all her life and thinks the cave may have been calling her. It is there for us all to tune into and take strength from when we are depleted. Love to all.

over fifteen years ago

Hi everyone. A couple of experiences to share. Similar to your vision Myrtle, 11/22 I have seen people suspended in \'space\' above Earth. Sense is it is part of the upliftment.
I am changing - feeling different even structurally, and more able to help people in my daily environment.
In meditation with a friend offering ourselves in service, taken to Brazil and out into the ocean where I helped raise what I saw as a sphere, or city of light, but do not know if it has a particular purpose.
Last night, able to sleep for only about 3 hours, but spent a lot of time linking with Orem and others. Today again with my friend was lifted into a room within the Station then we were directed to earth thru a long tunnel to a science experiment - seeing beams of energy creating something.I am told the public is not aware of this true part of the science, which is helping raise the vibration of this planet. Great things are happening.

over fifteen years ago

Thank you for the messages Lani and your comment above about the tubes/tunnels. I have been seeing tubes that i felt were some type of tunnel for quite some time in my photography. the spiral above norway has been intriguing as well. I notice the black substance in the spiral is the same black substance that shows up in the photography as well. interesting days (and nights) ahead for humanity. I too feel removed and am experiencing substantial shifting in my healing abilities. Consistently, the people i\'m working on (along with myself) are transported to a hotpond where i had a profound experience a a couple of months ago with sea turtles and dolphins and a certain point the whales take the people to a golden table in the city of light i felt there when i was there. they tend to go through a rebirthing process, just as i did after my hotpond experience.

I appreciate your messages Lani and would like to express my gratitude for sharing them. They have a profound impact on my life & always give me pieces to my own process.


over fifteen years ago

Extract from \'Lauren\' which I feel to share, lots of these \'symptomes\' I can tick for me - and they expand on things Orem has been saying!

\"Physical Happenings -
As with all major transitions, our bodies really seem to take the brunt of these changes and the last few weeks were no exception. Some of the more noticeable symptoms this time around were/are: vertigo/dizziness/loss of balance, headaches/sinus pressure, blurred vision, sleepiness, extreme bloating, intermittent deep sleeps/insomnia, night sweats, intermittent (extreme) hunger/loss of appetite, skin itching/rashes, back pain/soreness (especially behind the heart and lower back), sore feet, aching legs, lower abdominal discomfort, and the always present FATIGUE.

Emotionally you may be feeling irritable, tired of your old \"story\", disconnected from your joy/passion/creativity/guidance, doubting or reevaluating your life purpose or the fruits of your labors, lacking self confidence, desiring a course correction, needing down time/isolation, ect. This disconnect phase is just a rewiring to a higher level of connectivity and when completed, new insights, ideas and opportunities become possible.\" -

over fifteen years ago

Hi Lani - First, thanks for channeling! Next, I have a couple of questions.

When they say \"Many digress and diverse [sic] and choose to adapt a creation which alters the frequency\" are they saying when you choose this new paradigm you\'re altering your frequency? or something entirely different?

Also, they often refer to one\'s \"point of origin.\" Are they referring to the present moment, or the Now, or do they mean the point where you connect with your own source(and/or are those the same thing)?

Thanks again!

All best and peace to you.

over fifteen years ago

How happy I felt with today\'s message,dearOnes! After years of thinking I am becoming multidimensional, I had the experience that I Am this morning. I saw that more expanded aspect of me awaiting this \"me\" traveling into greater awareness. There were many beings present and the colours were swirling and so alive. I noticed sparkling golden colours as well. The words do not come close to the feeling, of course. That is what I so enjoy about having these messages come in on a weekly basis. Practice does lead to the experience! The feeling of being a Free Traveler will stay will me now. Love and Light to you.

over fifteen years ago

I have been absent for a time, a few days on holiday, walking along beaches, soaking in hot thermal pools, staying in accommodation listening to the call of our night owls - wonderful - and travelling at the time of 11.11 am on 11/11/11[2009] which seemed important. Then, followed a week of extreme tiredness, and needing to be still and be in attunement to my point of origin and blueprint.

Schmal - \\\"digress/diverse\\\" was a reference to beings who deliberately change the ordered pattern of creation, usually I feel this to be early on in the evolvement of our planetary consciousness, but perhaps currently as well when we hear of, for example, governmental bodies creating concerns for us to focus on, distracting us from our innate sense of joy.

\\\"Point of origin\\\" to me means Source, pictured in my mind as either a void [difficult to picture, but a sense :) ] or a point of light often with a beam directed at me in which I can immerse myself. My energy the changes to strength, peace, light, etc. This also brings one into the Present!

over fifteen years ago

These last two weeks I have experienced myself standing under an enormous opening in the sky like the portal to another place .it is dark and infinite above me and this huge energy pulse -very fine but highly charged- is transmitting down. I am in a row. There are others of us who are there with me. It is like we are being exposed to the charge- we aren\'t trying to move into the new galaxy(or whatever it is) . We are just taking in what is being transmitted at us. I have checked in a few times in my meditation and we are still there absorbing these pulses. Do others feel this?

over fifteen years ago

Thank you Lani. I did feel a celebration happening! Even before you mentioned this at the end about Guy Fawkes day and the fireworks. I felt a worthiness flow over me in a way I haven\'t before. In some lovely way I felt that I have graduated. Somehow the timing was perfect for I received this knowing today: Universal change occurs through each of us as we connect to our Point of Origin. Yes, Orem has said this in so many ways over the years...and yet something shifted to where I could know it. Words are so limiting, and yet I wanted to express on this powerful day. Thanks again, Nancy

Pearley Sky
over fifteen years ago

wOw Lani...that was incredible. Every cell in my body was vivified. I fully understood what they were speaking of in terming \'outworking process of manifestation\'. in my messages, they call them \'integrity checks\'. They have also spoke for years about being a catalyst, something i had to work myself into and found myself in some pretty hairy situations and only in hindsight did i realize it was another catalyst situation. they always rattle me to my bones, but i\'m so much better at them than i used to be.

I have to say, it\'s taken me all day to finish reading the message Lani. I find my legs want to get up and run! :) and when i\'m re-reading the message, i can feel every cell vibrating. I can certainly feel this connection that\'s been established and i know for my own self, i have waited for this for years. So much of what they are speaking of, blessed Orem & Ulea, ties directly in....which is not such a surprise any longer, but it is still very magical to me and i feel like i\'ve been touched by the divine on a deeper level.

their insight to \'draw upon the greatest energy from your point of origin\' is extremely timely as well, as i find myself living on an indian reservation in washington state again.....the dwelling space of multitudes of dark forces. such timely information and greatly appreciated as i am awaiting to be called.

when they spoke of the \'multifaceted aspect of the same \'lord\'vibration, referring to the essence and the legs were all but carrying me out the door :) such a powerful piece for me.

i had also just returned from a trip to Hawaii that was very devastating on one level and I did not realize it was about catalyzing at that time. What they had said about ‘treat with respect’ was a confirmation to me, as I had some deep discussions with this dark woman. As she tried several times to lure me into her depths, I remained respectful, even tho her energy was tearing me to shreds. In the previous message you brought through, there was important information for me pertaining to that experience as well. I was literally in shreds for 9 days after I returned to Washington….and in my shifting, I had forgotten about a spiritual experience I had BECAUSE of this womans behavior, that I would not have had if she hadn’t driven me to go float on my back in the nearby hotpond.

In your message when they spoke of “ being a central part in creation which allows universal creation to change what is around you’….in my own missives, they have spoken about our ‘urthwalk self’ many times, and I find your statement to be a perfect example of the meaning of urthwalk self and the catalyzing we do, and at times, I find myself kicking and screaming, but catalyze I do, in the end.

When they said “there is support given to every world, to every space & you are encouraged to listen to receive the greater impulses & visions” it made me think about all those years ago when they said ‘we haven’t lost a planet yet’.

Thank you Lani for sharing this message. It feels like Christmas to me J

Thank you for all that you do.

Deep peace to you, in gratitude