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Omega Communications

Inner journey experiences to the Station of Light for your expansion of consciousness and uplifting energy.

Jun 26, 2014

Hi Lani,

This picture was posted by a friend on Facebook and I find it quite close to what I sense as I listen to Orem speak about the groups assisting as we receive from the outer edge of our consciousness field.
Recently it has been much easier to connect with Orem and the Elders and I have greatly enjoyed the experience of assisting others and being assisted. This picture does come close to expressing that and unfortunately, the person who posted it does not know the identify of the artist.

It is such joy to feel into our group and the shift into greater understanding that follows.
As always I appreciate you greatly.

Take good care,

over ten years ago

Hi Lani - Yes, lots in here [#729] and some very good confirmation/resonance for me. Particularly I have been specifically asking that my inner self and guides stay very close to me, light the way and help keep me on my path, and also that I will not "fall asleep at the wheel." Plus there was the mention of the natural remedies. So this was quite affirming.

As always, thanks Lani, for these transmissions!! Thank you for taking the time to continue them.

Love, Mal

over ten years ago

Thanks you SO much Rita and Karen - it certainly affirms my work and commitment to bringing through the energy transmissions :)

I feel I have gone to another level with it all and that my Light Body is serving on a level of consciousness where I am always working on the Station, somewhere!, and also on the Earth Station - I am sure you know what I mean ! The image I have of myself öut there"is the one of me holding the Aureon healing unit - I am sure you have seen it somewhere.

Also, what bubbled out of the mud for me in the past week has been an old allergy reaction/inflammation, surfacing around my eyelids - thankfully nearly all cleared now.

Rita Federico
over ten years ago

I wondered why, due to my created schedule, I was not able to listen to this transmission when it arrived. After listening to it, one day later, i realized why it was the perfect time to really incorporate all that i was consciously listening to and feeling. I feel so blessed by these transmissions for they are true nourishment for my body of light and my consciousness. It feels like when I eat alive foods, I am nourishing my physical unit and when I listen to these transmissions, I am giving my consciousness alive energy and creative source intake. This makes my life worth all of the clearings of disturbances that I experience and the getting out of touch of my true pathway from time to time. I know, in my Heart, that this assistance from Lani, Orem, Ulea, and the Star Elders, sustains me and expands me and grows me to where I want to be and beyond. Thank you. Rita

karen elsworth
over ten years ago

Hi everyone it was so good to receive this transmission I have been experiencing much emotion lately and like Ulea says stuff bubbling up to the surface anger and patterns of thought I would rather not have and emotional baggage that I recognise as such. But so wonderful to feel the support and help to clear it I am needing strength to support my family and surround them in light and ive been listening to the messages a lot feeling the need to connect to the universe & my point of origin the team of beings out there is helping me - helping us all really.
Did any one sense or see the symbols in the transmission last week when we were taken out and sent our energy out into the universe? I felt part of a collective in space and saw it as a group of symbols/patterns in a circle. I felt the pulse of energy when the energy returned, a sense of belonging :-)
Love & light to all