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Omega Communications

Inner journey experiences to the Station of Light for your expansion of consciousness and uplifting energy.

sixteen and a half years ago

Audrey, thanks so much for this. On Sunday morning - different time zone! - I woke feeling a shift had taken place and everything looked and felt different. This morning, Wednesday, I am really tired, after a good night\'s sleep too. Also I am continually stepping in and out of being with Orem on the vessel, which seems to be orbiting Earth and focusing energy to us.

sixteen and a half years ago

Orem - We of the Command speak to you. Inasmuch as you are ready, there are delays in completing the shift as we continue the wake up instruction to the Earth\'s population species. Do you realise how significant this is? In extending the consciousness into the great blueprint, there is an evolutionary step forward. The crystalline cities of light await you.\"
The initial contact of the energy beams rectifies and realigns us, e.g. correcting dispositions, immune system., therefore enabling a clearer response and ability to function with the blueprint vibration and connection to the universal grid, in matter.

sixteen and a half years ago

I felt an increase in energy around me and was impressed to record this message. It is interesting in view of messages being given about a large space vessel to be visible to us.

sixteen and a half years ago

I felt the increase in energy starting a few hours ago and now getting stronger and stronger. On my way home from work I thought I\'ll post about this here. When I opened my computer I found the new message! Something very powerful is happening, my eyes are very blurry and I hardly can read what I\'m writing. I can\'t get a thought together and feel very spaced out. Everything feels unreal. Looks like the intersection, which was spoken about many times is happening - finally. How exciting!

sixteen and a half years ago

I felt something was up Sunday evening when quite suddenly I felt lethargic ... of the variety where you feel it pressing down upon you and you can barely keep your eyes open. What was so distinctive about it was that one minute I was enjoying a lively Thanksgiving dinner with my daughter and the next I was almost in a stupor. I even mentioned this \"shift\" in energy to my daughter the next day asking her if she noticed anything ... she ended up falling asleep on the sofa after I left! I also experienced a rather significant shift in consciousness Sunday morning. I actually now FEEL that a new day has dawned (this after 18 months of sequestered slog) and we can move \"forward\". I can\'t say enough good things about your Orem transmissions, Lani, in these times of intense transformation. When things are tough I listen to them several times a day and I notice the shifts and progress with each interaction. Since really tuning into these messages beginning in June, it feels like years of slog have fallen away from my evolutionary process (began 1987). I\'m quite intrigued by some of the things Orem and the other Light Beings are saying and would love to have someone to mull it over with. Anyone interested can reach me through my website: