Hi All-was just reading your posting again Karen-wonderful experience...it has helped me a lot. As I read it I took it thst the elders would also treat me that way and I felt your perspective about the world being such a tiny part of yhe whole as though it was mine perspective...strange.
Recently in meditation i experienced flames breaking through into a crack on top of my head which crossed the crown chakra. Unsure of meaning but it seemed my life force had got through blocks in all my chakras...something lije that. Lots of love to All-Myrtle.
Recently in meditation i had a fire break out of my crown chakra....there was a crack which crossed the chakra from front to back and all of a sudden flames were running along the whole crack-painless.Not sure of significance-but felt like my soul or life force or something had broken through something....
Hi Myrtle - so sorry I hadn't seen your comment waiting to be uploaded ):
Over the last couple of weeks I too have felt overheated, at night, very restless, awake every couple of hours, adjusting to energies, yet not tired during the day. Very stimulated and creative, and overflowing with joy and gratitude. It must be oozing out of me! Also people coming to my space are commenting on different light in my meeting space, thinking I had repainted! Such is the transformation taking place.
with you all in Joy.
Hi All and Lani-so good to read comments of Lani and Karen. For the two nights since the last transmission I have been wakeful and restless and feel as though my temperature has gone up .(hadnt) .Yesterday I felt in a very strange space-everyone was complaining of the cold and I was feeling overheated. Then late afternoon-my body felt like it was succumbing to a flu...so rest and fluids for me. In my keenness to connect and clear i have exposed myself to more thsn my body can comfortably handke-I listened twice and read the mesage once....generally in this second half of the year I have felt so much more vitality and love and joy flowing through me...it has felt like real progress to ascension. Love to all...Myrtle.
An offer to enter a romantic relationship presented itself recently and brought up huge emotional stuff come up to clear around relationships, fears and sadness, I have also felt useless to create any positive direction. I tuned in last night and was told to go to my point of origin where I would receive guidance. Three lights came around me and I was lifted into a space where I heard them speak to me. They told me I need to focus on my art and what brings me joy, that I knew the laws of manifestation, I told them I feel useless because I forget and they said they understand as it is because I am in a lower vibratory field and told me they see the disturbances affecting me and they see many people pulling at my energy field, many people wanting the energy. They said it was up to me whatever I chose with relationships and they would continue to support me but that to remember how much others are drawn to my energy field and will want the energy.
In this space I remembered them and my existence with them it felt more real than the physical I sensed the command and assignments and going to many places and reporting back, earth seemed far away a tiny drop in a huge existence, I told them this and they said it is in the past. I asked them then why am I there if it has already happened they said it was a difficult concept to understand from a physical perspective, there is no time in there measurement, it is a false concept a measuring device for a limited perception of understanding. I was only hearing words at this point then they all appeared and I was surrounded by love and lots of energy. So beautiful, I didn't want to come back.
They told me to feel joy in what I love to do, joy in my artwork, joy in my my home joy in my life here and because tomorrow hasn't happened yet what I feel now will create more of it.
Just letting you know that if you have been experiencing odd 'stress' sensations around you, and disturbing sleep, its all to do with absorbing the upgraded matrix for you, so consciously take it in, willingly accept it and let the Light Beings know you are having difficulty with the strength of the energy. It will calm down. I had symptoms for over a week and filled with creative energy, just kept going and going!